Many people think they should try to handle a child support hearing on their own. You might think “it’s easy right?”  “They just look at both parent’s incomes, and come up with a number, right?”.   It isn’t that simple.  There are many things taken into account when child support is calculated and you may…

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  • Consistent Discipline Can be Difficult After Divorce

    Divorced parents face a number of challenges. Co-parenting after divorce means that you’re still sharing the parenting duties with your children’s other parent. However, because you’re no longer in a relationship together, you don’t have any influence over how they parent your kids. For sure, that can be very frustrating, especially when you don’t agree…

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  • Can CPS Really Just Come in And Take my Kids Away? (Part 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We understand that this is a really hard subject to read about, and for Michigan parents who are already battling Children’s Protective Services (CPS), it’s excruciating. However, like all battles, the better prepared you are, the better your chances of winning! So congratulations on being proactive, and choosing…

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  • Can CPS Really Just Come in And Take my Kids Away? (Part 1)

    Having your parental rights terminated is one of the most frightening things that could happen to a parent. Not to mention, one of the most heartbreaking! However, it’s also one of the most confusing, because the law in Michigan concerning termination of parental rights is very complex, and most people (including most attorneys) don’t really…

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  • Can I Use an Online Company For my Oakland County Divorce? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this discussion about using online document companies for your divorce. As we mentioned in the previous article, online divorce paperwork tends to be set up as one-size-fits-all, which almost never works for divorces. Especially when there are kids, alimony or child support to consider, significant amounts of…

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  • Can I Use an Online Company For my Oakland County Divorce? (Pt 1)

    We live in an online world. Between Amazon, Netflix, and Google, there isn’t much you can’t get online these days. Everything from streaming movies, searching information, and buying everything you need for daily life (including groceries) can be done with a click of the mouse. So why should divorces be any different? Well, for many…

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  • Parental Alienation is a Growing Problem in Michigan Divorces!

    Parental Alienation, which is described as the heartbreaking social dynamic in which a child feels and expresses a very strong dislike (and sometimes even hatred) for one of their parents. It’s an issue that usually develops during or after a high conflict divorce, because of parental bullying and manipulation. And according to the stats, it’s…

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  • How Do I Help My Special Needs Child During My Divorce? (Part 2)

    Divorce is tough for everyone affected by it. Certainly this is far more so for special needs kids and their parents. Welcome back to our discussion on the challenges faced by families with special needs kids during divorce. Having talked about the financial concerns that these families need to consider, we’ll be moving on to…

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  • How Do I Help My Special Needs Child During My Divorce? (Part 1)

    Divorce is hard for everyone. The challenges and difficulties that have to be overcome can be substantial. But for special needs kids and their parents here in and around Oakland County, those challenges are usually a lot more complex and can make the divorce process even harder. In addition to the emotional toll that divorce…

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  • How The New Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Will Affect Your Alimony!

    If you’re considering getting divorced in the future in Oakland County, you need to know that the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will be changing the way alimony is taxed for all separations and divorces after 2018. What does that mean, and how could it affect your finances in the future? We’ll explain……

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  • Can You Get “Custody” of Your Pets During an Oakland County Divorce?

    Most pet owners love their animals fiercely, referring to them as family members and sometimes even ‘fur babies.’ Many of us here at The Kronzek Firm are pet owners as well, and we completely understand! It possible that one some days, you might find a pet or two in our Farmington Hills office. But while…

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