Oakland County Family Lawyer

  • Divorce Court or Settle? What Works For You? (Part 3)

    Thank you for joining us again. In this series we are examining the many factors that a couple should consider when deciding on the right forum for their divorce. In the previous two articles we looked at the first eight items on our list, however in this piece we are going to wrap up our…

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  • Divorce Court or Settle? What Works For You? (Part 1)

    For the most part, the only settlements that people hear about are those that take place between celebrities. Usually, this is because the amounts of money are so astronomical that most of us couldn’t earn them in three life times. For this reason, divorce court gets more press than out-of-court settlements. In addition, they tend…

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  • Changing Your Insurance Policy After Divorce (Part Two)

    In our previous installment of this two part series, we talked about how divorce will seriously impact your insurance coverage. We also looked at the first two items on the list that you need to address, namely your homeowner’s insurance and your health insurance. Yes, we know, this is an overwhelming time in life and…

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  • Preparing For Your Oakland County Divorce Consultation

    That first time you walk into a divorce attorney’s office can be kind of scary. Perhaps a little intimidating. Maybe even a great relief. Whatever you’re experiencing, it is probably very stressful and upsetting. We get it. We do this every day. We understand. First time clients walk through the doors of one of our…

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  • How To Catch A Cheating Spouse (Part 2)

    In the introductory article in this series, we talked about the difficulty that people face when they suspect their spouses of infidelity. We discussed two options for discovering the truth, namely confronting them and hiring a private detective. We looked at the pros and cons of these two options and discussed what you were up…

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