Life is a series of forks in the road. Opportunities to choose one direction or another. The choices you make will define what lies ahead on the road, and how you handle it. This is no more true than in the case of divorce, where you are presented with a veritable smorgasbord of choices. Nearly all of them will impact your future, and probably the futures of your loved ones as well.
Take for example a mother who decides to give up her baby for adoption because the father has abandoned her and she cannot afford to raise another child. An agonizing choice to be sure, and one that will remain in her memory for the rest of her life. Or the case of the father who divorces his wife and leaves his children to pursue a life with another woman whom he believes he loves more. These choices are pivotal. They change the course of life in drastic ways. Divorce is no different.
Some decisions during divorce are really big. Decisions like whether or not to file for divorce to begin with. That’s huge! Deciding which Michigan divorce attorney to hire to help you through the process is another big one, just like making choices about how assets are divided up, and what the custody arrangements should look like. Those are all major decisions, no doubt, with significant consequences and repercussions.
Michigan divorce attorney Charles Kronzek has been involved in hundreds of divorce cases. He tells his clients that “many decisions that you make during a divorce case have a domino effect. You make a decision and that’s like tilting over the first domino. That causes the next domino to fall, and then the next, and then the next.”
It is important to remember that even small, seemingly insignificant choices can have a huge impact on your life. Decisions like electing to maintain a positive attitude during the court appearances, or choosing to speak only kind words about your soon-to-be-ex when talking to your children. They might seem fleeting or unimportant. But in truth, there is no greater decision in life than choosing what kind of attitude you are going to have during dark times, and what kind of words you are going to speak.
According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, world-renowned neuroscientist, the average person has about 30,000 thoughts a day. She also says that toxic thoughts, which can be summed up as thoughts that are negative, unforgiving, obsessive, or hateful are a major reason for both physical and mental illness. By controlling your thought life, and choosing to think positive and uplifting thoughts, you may reduce your chances of emotional problems and maybe physical symptoms as well.
Deciding to put a smile on your face during an emotional rough patch can be the difference between having a terrible day and having a pretty good day. Doing it over and over again during dark times can mean the difference between having a good life and having a life filled with misery, heartbreak and pain. Whether you are faced with depression, disease, death in the family, or divorce, we encourage you to do everything in your power to make the right choices during dark times. Choose positivity. Choose happiness. Choose perseverance. Choose a happy outlook on life.
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