
  • Navigating Divorce Mediation in Michigan:Words to Avoid for a Smoother Process

    The divorce attorneys here at The Kronzek Firm have helpedthousands of clients over the past few decades. Here, we’re delvinginto some common statements that can hinder progress andexacerbate conflicts during the divorce mediation process here inOakland County and all of Metro Detroit. Communication is key indivorce mediation, and steering clear of certain phrases cansignificantly contribute…

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    IS SHE MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE? Becoming a parent is probably the most life-changing thing that can happen to you. Sometimes, you may face the possibility of becoming a parent unexpectedly.  What should you do?  What do you need to know?  If a woman is married when the child is conceived or born, Michigan law…

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    Many people think they should try to handle a child support hearing on their own. You might think “it’s easy right?”  “They just look at both parent’s incomes, and come up with a number, right?”.   It isn’t that simple.  There are many things taken into account when child support is calculated and you may…

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  • How Does Divorce or Separation Impact Tax Dependents?

    Divorce or separation is stressful, but so are income taxes. You may not have even thought about the tax implications of a divorce, but they certainly exist. While we at The Kronzek Firm are not tax attorneys, we know that taxes can have a big impact on the lives of our clients in Michigan. Our…

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  • How Do I Find Hidden Assets In A Divorce?

    A divorce in Michigan requires an equitable division of assets, but sometimes a soon-to-be ex-spouse will try to hide assets so less money can be considered in the dividing of assets. Michigan law says that an equitable division of the marital assets may not mean an equal division of assets. Assets obtained during a marriage…

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  • How Narcissism Complicates The Divorce Process

    By now you’ve probably encountered the term “narcissist”, and likely know what it means. You might even know someone who falls into that category (although we certainly hope for your sake that the person you know isn’t your spouse!) As you can imagine, marriage to a narcissist is no cake walk. But divorcing one is…

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  • I Just Got Served Divorce Papers… What Now? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion on what to do when you’re served divorce papers. As we mentioned in the previous article, here in Oakland County you have a lot of options, but what you need to do is choose the option that will have the best possible outcome for…

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  • I Just Got Served Divorce Papers… What Now? (Pt 1)

    It’s not fun, we understand that. Whether you saw this coming from miles away, or it came completely out of left field, being served divorce paperwork can be a depressing and frustrating experience. However, like so much in life, what matters more is how you respond to a situation, rather than what the specifics of…

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