We live in an online world. Between Amazon, Netflix, and Google, there isn’t much you can’t get online these days. Everything from streaming movies, searching information, and buying everything you need for daily life (including groceries) can be done with a click of the mouse. So why should divorces be any different? Well, for many reasons. But let’s start with the most obvious – just because you can get a divorce online (sort of) doesn’t mean you should!
Online legal companies offer ‘fast and easy’ divorces…
Stop and think about it. Have you ever heard of a divorce that was ‘fast and easy’? Probably not. Because it almost never happens that way. Why? Because divorce is about two people disentangling their lives. Separating their assets, and trying to figure out the best custody arrangements for their kids, and all the while, trying not to let their heartbreak cloud their judgement. And that was a ‘best case’ scenario…. Most divorces are never ‘best case’ scenarios!
But ‘fast and easy’ isn’t the same as ‘done right’…
You’ve never told a surgeon to do your surgery fast and easy, right? You probably prefer doing things right rather than fast, easy and cheap. OK, we agree. But, there are loads of online companies offering downloadable legal documents to help people represent themselves in a divorce.
Some people in Michigan use them, and many people swear by the “quick and cheap” approach they facilitate. But while fast-and-affordable are perfect for things like drive-through burgers and streaming your favorite episodes of Stranger Things, divorce just doesn’t work that way. Why? Because if your burger order gets screwed up, it’s annoying for about 20 minutes. If your divorce gets screwed up, it can easily affect the rest of your life!
One-size-fits-all almost never fits anyone…
Online divorce companies offer downloadable paperwork for couples wanting to call it quits and not wanting to spend the money on a lawyer. But it’s the same paperwork for everyone. It’s “canned”. In other words, the documents are made to cover the simplest and most straightforward divorce scenarios.
As Legalzoom describes it, “A peaceful, collaborative divorce process, to create file-ready documents.” Except when the process isn’t peaceful. Online divorce documents don’t account for your unique situation, or allow for specialized needs. You get what you get. So for people with kids, significant assets, loads of debt, pension or retirement plans or even contentious fighting, this is a one way ticket to a sure disasterville!
Only a skilled Oakland County divorce attorney can help with your unique needs…
Online document services are no substitute for a real lawyer with experience and an understanding of our Oakland County family court system. Buying a form online, prepared by a total stranger who knows nothing about your situation, is pretty much the same thing as gambling with your future.
If, however, you want your divorce handled by a skilled family law attorney with decades of experience and a commitment to your future that rivals your own, call The Kronzek Firm at (248) 479-6200. We’re here to work personally with you during this entire process. Make the right choice and come talk to us about your divorce. We do free consultations, and are available 24/7 to help you handle life’s problems as they happen.