Many people think they should try to handle a child support hearing on their own. You might think “it’s easy right?” “They just look at both parent’s incomes, and come up with a number, right?”. It isn’t that simple. There are many things taken into account when child support is calculated and you may…
I Want to Get Divorced But I Can’t Find my Spouse! (Part 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining The Kronzek Firm for this discussion on what to do if you can’t find your spouse to serve them with Michigan divorce papers. As we mentioned in the previous article, it may seem like a strange problem – to have lost track of one’s spouse, but it actually…
I Want to Get Divorced But I Can’t Find my Spouse! (Part 1)
That probably seems like a strange headline to some of you. After all, a spouse isn’t something you misplace, so how on earth could someone not know where their husband or wife is when they decide they’re ready to officially sever ties? Well, it may surprise you, but there are many instances where married couples…
Can You Crowdfund a Divorce in Oakland County?
Need extra cash so your band can cut their first demo? Simple – PledgeMusic has you covered. Want to raise money for your grandmother’s cancer treatments? GoFundMe is probably one of your best options. Have a great idea for a new business venture, but you don’t have the cash to get it off the ground?…
Will The New Tax Law Cause a Rise in Divorces This Year?
If you’ve been paying attention to the news, then you know that tax laws are changing. On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which cuts the corporate tax rate, the individual tax rate, and the income tax rate. It also doubles the standard deduction and eliminates personal exemptions. But…
Why You Shouldn’t Use the Same Divorce Lawyer As Your Spouse! (Pt. 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining The Kronzek Firm again for our discussion on why sharing a divorce attorney in Oakland County is a horrible idea! As we mentioned in the previous article, one attorney who took on both parties in a divorcing couple would be faced with a serious ethical dilemma! How could they…
Why You Shouldn’t Use the Same Divorce Lawyer As Your Spouse! (Pt. 1)
Not all divorces are high conflict. Not every marriage ends in a protracted battle involving the court. Some couples part ways amicably, if not happily, with a minimum of fuss and tears. So in these situations, wouldn’t it make sense for those couples to share a divorce attorney and save themselves a little money? After…
Be Prepared to Lose Loved Ones When You Get Divorced!
People respond differently to the news that a friend or family member is getting divorced. For some, the news is met with relief, especially if the person ending their marriage has been unhappy for years. Sometimes people respond with sorrow, or even pity. But for some, all they can muster is anger! And this means…
Do Your Children Need Help Coping With Your Divorce? (Pt. 2)
In the previous article here on our Oakland County Family Law blog, we looked at the first two items on our list of tools that parents can use to help their children navigate the turbulent waters of divorce. Because children so often struggle with the divorce process, but don’t have the coping skills to help…
Do Your Children Need Help Coping With Your Divorce? (Pt. 1)
Divorce is tough for everyone. But children seem to have a particularly rough time with breakups. Their family is dissolving right in front of their eyes and they don’t have any say in the matter. That’s so frightening and upsetting for a child. The result is that children who aren’t given ways to process their…
Did You Know That Divorce Can Actually Be Good For You?
Here at our Oakland County office, we help a lot of people get through their divorces. Sometimes we have the pleasure of running into them again later on, and finding out how they’re doing. Invariably, when asked how life is treating them since their divorce, the answer we get is “Wonderfully!” In many of those…